
Math 134 - Elementary Statistics

Group photo for my Statistics students at Modesto Junior College when I was a Supplemental Instruction Leader. November 2019.

Math 1410 - Calculus First Course

Photo taken by a student when I was the Supplemental Instruction Leader for Calculus I at California State University, Stanislaus. April 2019.

Math 24 - Linear Algebra & Differential Equations

Class photo after my first semester as a Teaching Assistant for Linear Algebra and Differential Equations at University of California, Merced. December 2019. 

Course History

Modesto Junior College - Instructor of Mathematics

De Anza College - Instructor of Mathematics and Math Performance Success (MPS)

Modesto Junior College - Adjunct Instructor

University of California, Merced - Teaching Assistant, Applied Mathematics

California State University, Stanislaus - Supplemental Instruction Leader, Mathematics

Modesto Junior College - Supplemental Instruction Leader, Mathematics